21st IUNS-International Congress of Nutrition

The International Sweeteners Association (ISA) is delighted to be participating to the 21st IUNS-International Congress of Nutrition (IUNS-ICN 2017), the greatest scientific congress on food and nutrition globally taking place this time in Buenos Aires, Argentina, from 15th to 20th October 2017. The theme of the congress this year is “From science to nutrition security” and is organised by the International Union of Nutritional Sciences (IUNS) in collaboration with the Sociedad Argentina de Nutrición (SAN).

Every four years, the IUNS-International Congress of Nutrition is bringing together food and nutrition experts from around the world to discuss advances in nutrition research and a wide range of scientific topics including, among others, latest evidence around public health nutrition, food science and safety, the dietary management of diseases and nutrition through life course.

The ISA will travel to Buenos Aires to be present at this exciting global scientific congress where the future of food and nutrition sciences will be discussed and in order to provide accurate and evidence-based information on the science around low calorie sweeteners.

ISA activities at IUNS-ICN 2017 include an ISA information booth in the exhibition area during the whole duration of the congress and the distribution of science-based ISA resources presenting latest evidence on low calorie sweeteners’ use. Furthermore, at the ISA booth, participants will also have the opportunity to participate in our 3-minute survey and enter a prize draw to win a smart active watch. By being present at the IUNS-ICN 2017, we will also keep ISA’s social media friends and followers informed about the latest developments in nutrition including on the science behind low calorie sweeteners.

Join us at the 21st IUNS International Congress of Nutrition in Buenos Aires or follow us on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, to stay informed about the latest research on low calorie sweeteners.

Read more about the outcome of IUNS 21st ICN in Buenos Aires in October 2017 and the ISA highlights from the scientific programme by clicking here.


    The ISA would like to kindly invite all participants to visit its information booth in order to address any questions on low calorie sweeteners, and receive the ISA resources for healthcare professionals, which will be available in English, Spanish and Portuguese. The ISA resources at the IUNS-ICN 2017 will include the recently developed ISA 16-page leaflet featuring latest scientific evidence on low calorie sweeteners, as well as the detailed and evidence-based ISA booklet about ‘Low calorie sweeteners: Role and benefits. Furthermore, visitors to the booth will also have the opportunity to receive the ISA factsheets on the use of low calorie sweeteners by different population groups and recently developed infographics in support of the European Obesity Day and the World Diabetes Day.

    Your scientific interests and views in relation to low calorie sweeteners and the ISA are of highest importance to us, and therefore we would highly appreciate your participation in our 3-min survey. In return, participants who complete the short ISA survey will be entered into a prize draw to win a smart active watch.


    In the context of an overall interesting scientific programme at the IUNS-ICN 2017, worldwide renowned experts will present new data and updated evidence on the role, benefits, use and safety of low calorie sweeteners. Don’t miss to add these sessions in your IUNS-ICN 2017 programme calendar.

    For more information, please find below the programme of the sessions and presentations about low calorie sweeteners related topics.

    Tuesday, October 17, 12.30-13.30h
    Poster presentation: ‘Acute or long term consumption of beverages containing low calorie sweeteners do not alter appetite, energy intake or macronutrient selection in healthy adults: a non-inferiority comparison with water’.
    Speaker: Professor Marc Fantino, University of Burgundy, France

    Tuesday, October 17 – 11.30-13.30h
    Scientific Symposium: 144/115 – Low Calorie Sweeteners – Update on Health & Safety
    Organized by: International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI) North America and ILSI Europe
    Chair: Prof. Peter Rogers (University of Bristol. UK)

    • Low-Calorie Sweeteners and Weight – A Systematic Review of Human and Animal Studies
      Speaker: Prof. Peter Rogers (University of Bristol. UK)
    • Low-Calorie Sweeteners and Glycemic Response
      Speaker: Dr. Xavier Pi-Sunyer (Columbia University Medical Center. New York. USA)
    • Global Safety and Regulatory Processes for the Evaluation of Low-Calorie Sweeteners
      Speaker: Dr. Ashley Roberts (Intertek Regulatory & Scientific Consultancy. Ontario. Canada)
    • Sweet Taste and Implications with Low-Calorie Sweetener Use
      Speaker: Dr. France Bellisle (Nutritional Epidemiology. University Paris 13. France)


    Friday, October 20 – 8.00-10.00h
    Scientific Symposium: 144/144 – Sweeteners: Advantages and Applications in the 21st Century
    Organized by: FIN and Spanish Foundation for Nutrition (FEN) (Spain)
    Chairs: Dr. Carmen Pérez-Rodrigo (Spanish Society of Community Nutrition (SENC). Spain)
    Prof. Gregorio Varela (Nutrition and Food Science. CEU San Pablo University. President Spanish Nutrition Foundation (FEN). Madrid. Spain)

    • Sweeteners and new flavors
      Speaker: Dr. Hugo Antonio Laviada (Professor and Researcher. University Marista de Mérida. Mexico)
    • Interest and safety of sweeteners: a view from public health
      Speaker: Prof. Lluis Serra-Majem (University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. President of the Spanish Academy of Nutrition and Food Science. Spain)
    • The new low-calorie sweeteners: state of research on its benefits and potential applications
      Speaker: Prof. Anne Raben (Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports. Faculty of Science. University of Copenhagen. Denmark)