ISA stands by World Obesity Federation’s efforts to halt the global obesity rise

Brussels, 11 October 2017 –The International Sweeteners Association (ISA) proudly supports the World Obesity Federation in its mission to lead and drive global efforts to reduce, prevent and treat obesity now and avoid the consequences later on this year’s World Obesity Day celebrated on 11th October1.

In helping to raise awareness about the urgent need to tackle obesity now, the ISA has developed an animated video aiming to encourage individuals with weight control problems to start taking small and simple steps towards a healthier body weight.

How can low calorie sweeteners be part of a “small-step” weight management strategy?

Consistent with the fact that low calorie sweeteners provide few or no calories, their use in foods and drinks in place of sugar can help in calorie savings. And reducing our daily caloric intake in the context of a healthy diet and active lifestyle is a key success tool to overall weight control.

Indeed, a strong bank of scientific evidence2 supports that low calorie sweeteners can help reduce overall calorie intake and can be a beneficial tool for weight loss, when used in place of sugar and as part of a behavioural weight management strategy.

Learn more about how making small changes can help you reach a healthier body weight by watching the ISA animated video in support of World Obesity Day 2017:

Why do all stakeholders collectively need to act now?

As it is widely recognised that, if untreated, obesity can lead to several non-communicable diseases (NCDs) including heart disease, diabetes and many types of cancer, it is very topical that the theme of World Obesity Day this year is “treat obesity now and avoid the consequences later”. Acting now is critical to avoid, or reduce the risk of, chronic diseases that obesity can bring with and to help achieve the 2025 targets set by the World Health Organization (WHO) to halt the rise in obesity.

Prevention and early intervention are essential in reducing the need for, and to improve the success of, treatment, respectively. All available strategies including dietary and lifestyle interventions can play a critical role in the global effort to “treat obesity now and avoid the consequences later.

Please join the ISA in the discussion on social media to help raise awareness around this year’s #WorldObesityDay by using the dedicated hashtag: #ISA4WOD. Follow ISA on Twitter and Facebook for more insightful information and materials.

About World Obesity Day
World Obesity Day was launched in 2015 by the World Obesity Federation to stimulate and support practical solutions to help people achieve and maintain a healthy weight, and to reverse the obesity crisis. For more information about World Obesity Day, please click here.

  1. World Obesity Day 2017. Available online:
  2. Rogers P. et al. Int J Obes 2016;40(3):381-94.; Bellisle F. Curr Obes Rep 2015;4(1):106-110; Miller PE. and Perez V. Am J Clin Nutr 2014;100:765-777; Gibson S. et al, Nutrition Bulletin 2014;39(4):386-389