10th EFAD Conference

Organised by the European Federation of the Associations of Dietitians (EFAD), the 10th EFAD Conference, themed as ‘The Future is Now’, is taking place in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, on the 29th and 30th of September. The conference will bring together dietitians from around Europe to discuss latest evidence on the dietetic practice and future areas of work for dietitians.

The International Sweeteners Association (ISA) proudly supports and participates in the EFAD Conference for yet another year, acknowledging the important role that dietitians play in advising and educating people towards a healthy diet.

ISA activities at EFAD Conference 2017 include an ISA information booth in the exhibition area during the whole duration of the congress and the support of the session led by EFAD’s ESDN in Diabetes entitled ‘Diabetes – a European pandemic to be managed’, which is taking place on Saturday, 30th September 2017, at 11:15-12:45 (Rotterdam Hall).

Read more about the outcome of the session led by EFAD’s ESDN in Diabetes entitled ‘Diabetes – a European pandemic to be managed’ in our press release by clicking here.


    Led by the European Specialist Dietetic Network (ESDN) in Diabetes and with the support of the International Sweeteners Association (ISA), the session on ‘Diabetes -a European pandemic to be managed’ aims to present latest data on insulin resistance and diabetes dietary management, as well as to discuss the dietary intake and the role of low calorie sweeteners in diabetes.

    The session is chaired by members of the EFAD’s ESDN in Diabetes, Dr Aimilia Papakonstantinou and Ms Daniela Wewerka-Kreimel, who will also talk about EFAD’s involvement in ISA activities around World Diabetes Day last year. It will also feature Dr Séverine Goscinny, researcher at the Scientific Institute of Public Health of Belgium; Prof Fabrice Bonnet, Professor specialised in endocrinology, diabetology and nutrition, University of Rennes 1, Villejuif, France; and Dr Aimilia Papakonstantinou, Lecturer in Nutrition and Metabolism, Agricultural University of Athens, Greece.

    For more information, please find below the programme of the session supported by the ISA.

    Programme – Session: ‘Diabetes – a European Pandemic to be managed’
    Saturday, 30th September 2017, 11:15-12:45, Rotterdam Hall
    A session led by the European Specialist Dietetic Network in Diabetes, with the support of the International Sweeteners Association (ISA)

    Chairs: Dr Aimilia Papakonstantinou & Daniela Wewerka-Kreimel

    • Dietary intake assessment of low calorie sweeteners in European populations
      Speaker: Séverine Goscinny – Scientific Institute of Public Health, Brussels, Belgium
    • Insulin resistance: what it is, how to avoid it and how to treat it
      Speaker: Fabrice Bonnet – University of Rennes 1, Villejuif, France
    • Current nutrition and diabetes principles, newer data on diabetes dietary management and EFAD’s involvement in World Diabetes Day
      Speaker: Aimilia Papakonstantinou – Agricultural University of Athens, Greece

    The ISA would like to kindly invite all participants to visit its information booth in order to address any questions on low calorie sweeteners, and receive the ISA resources for healthcare professionals including the recently developed ISA 16-page leaflet featuring latest scientific evidence on low calorie sweeteners, as well as the detailed and evidence-based ISA booklet about ‘Low calorie sweeteners: Role and benefits’, and the ISA factsheets on the benefits of low calorie sweeteners.

    Your scientific interests and views in relation to low calorie sweeteners and the ISA are of highest importance to us, and therefore we would highly appreciate your participation in our 3-min survey. In return, participants who complete the short ISA survey will be entered into a prize draw to win the registration fee for the EFAD conference in 2018.

    Join us at the 10th EFAD Conference in Rotterdam, to stay informed about the latest research on low calorie sweeteners benefits and use in diabetes and weight management.

    We look forward to seeing you all there!