Istruzione on-line

La presente sezione raccoglie le registrazioni di webinar ed eventi scientifici organizzati dall’Associazione Internazionale Dolcificanti (ISA), incluse le registrazioni delle presentazioni effettuate in occasione della 3ª Conferenza dell’ISA, dal tema “La scienza a supporto dei dolcificanti ipocalorici: dove le prove incontrano la politica”.

ISA-FINUT Webinar: “Science update on low/no calorie sweeteners: from safety assessment to evidence-based recommendations and emerging research” [English recording]

ISA-SBAN Webinar: “Recommendations and regulation on the use of low/no calorie sweeteners: global and Brazilian perspectives” [English recording]

ISA Webinar: “Safety of low/no calorie sweeteners and their role in weight control and diabetes” [English recording]

ISA-FDC Webinar: “Low/no calorie sweeteners in the current public health debate: From safety to efficacy” [Spanish]

“EU policies for healthy food environments – What role for all stakeholders?” – Euractiv Virtual Conference

SAN-ISA Webinar: “Health, sweetness and pleasure: is it possible?” [Spanish]

Highlights from the ISA Conference 2018

Sweet taste, appetite and obesity: Is there a link?

Low calorie sweeteners in the current public health discussion

Regulation and approval of low calorie sweeteners by international authorities

Evaluating Research by understanding the metabolic fate of different low calorie sweeteners

Latest evidence on low calorie sweeteners’ role in weight management in children and adults

How does consumer perception about low calorie sweeteners affect food behaviour and energy intake?

Do low calorie sweeteners affect glycaemic control and insulin sensitivity?

Low calorie sweeteners and gut microbiota: Why is there a debate?

Low calorie sweeteners’ role in the dietary recommendations for people with diabetes