Re-evaluation of acesulfame K with reference to the previous SCF opinion of 1991

Autore(i): Scientific Committee on Food (SCF) of the European Commission
Publication name: Online:
Publication year: 2007


No abstract available.


In its re-evaluation of acesulfame K in 2000, the Scientific Committee on Food (SCF) of the European Commission, reaffirmed its previous conclusions that acesulfame potassium (acesulfame K) is safe and without mutagenic or carcinogenic potential. Furthermore, acesulfame K does not induce any other effects of toxicological significance. Furthermore, the Committee reaffirmed its previous ADI of 0-9 mg/kg bw.

Acesulfame K is a high intensity sweetener, with a sweetness approximately 200 times that of sucrose. It was considered by SCF for the first time during its comprehensive review of sweeteners in 1985.

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