Latest science

In this section you may find the latest news around low/no calorie sweeteners research in relation to their safety and benefits in weight management, diabetes and oral health, or their role in a balanced diet.

Posted: October 15, 2020

Science news from the FINUT 2020 virtual Conference Highlights: Conflicting outcomes between controlled clinical trials and observational studies are often the cause of confusion about…

Posted: October 12, 2020

Key remarks of a webinar by the European Federation of Associations of Dietitians (EFAD) Highlights: As a result of public health concerns about excess sugar…

Posted: July 30, 2020

Key outcomes of the Scientific Report of the 2020 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee in the U.S. Highlights: The typical American diet results in overconsumption of…

Posted: June 24, 2020
Author(s): Vicky Pyrogianni MSc, Dietitian – Nutritionist; Nutrition Science Director, ISA 

Reviewing current evidence in light of a new systematic review by Lohner et al. Highlights: Low/no calorie sweeteners do not affect glucose control and can…

Posted: April 22, 2020
Author(s): Vicky Pyrogianni MSc, Dietitian – Nutritionist; Nutrition Science Director, ISA; Board Member of the Hellenic Dietetic Association

This year has been marked by an unprecedented situation around the world. National authorities worldwide have urged people to stay at home to stay safe…

Posted: April 7, 2020

New study reviews the totality of clinical trials on low/no calorie sweeteners effects on body weight Highlights: A healthy and balanced diet is important for…

Posted: January 22, 2020

Highlights: Reduction in the excessive intake of sugars is being recommended globally to lower the risk and prevalence of obesity. Low/no calorie sweeteners are one of…

Posted: December 10, 2019

A 2019 science review Highlights: Diabetes associations across the world support the claim that replacing sugars with low/no calorie sweeteners can be a helpful strategy to…

Posted: November 7, 2019

Science news from the 12th EFAD Conference 2019 Highlights: All approved low/no calorie sweeteners have undergone a thorough risk assessment by food safety authorities globally…

Posted: October 29, 2019
Author(s): Vicky Pyrogianni, MSc, Dietitian – Nutritionist, Nutrition Science Director, ISA

A review of the policy statement by the American Academy of Pediatrics Highlights: All approved low/no-calorie sweeteners have undergone a stringent safety evaluation by food…

Posted: October 22, 2019

Science news from the 13th European Nutrition Conference – FENS 2019 Highlights: Choosing low/no calorie sweetened drinks can help frequent consumers maintain a good-tasting, enjoyable…

Posted: October 2, 2019

Science news from the 55th Annual EASD meeting Highlights: The assertion that by providing sweet taste without calories, low calorie sweeteners may “confuse the brain”…

Posted: July 11, 2019

Outcomes of two new human experimental studies Highlights: Studies found that low calorie sweetened beverages may help some people to eat less and feel more in…

Posted: June 28, 2019

A webinar by the Spanish Federation of Diabetes (FEDE) Highlights: Low calorie sweeteners are safe, including for people with diabetes, and their consumption is well…

Posted: June 24, 2019

Science News from the 37th International Symposium on Diabetes and Nutrition Highlights: Higher quality evidence shows that the intended substitution of sugar calories with low…

Posted: May 27, 2019

A summary of recent position statements and consensus by diabetes organisations globally Highlights: Low calorie sweeteners are safe for people with diabetes with current intake levels…

Posted: April 12, 2019

Take-home messages from the Ibero-American Nutrition Foundation webinar Highlights: Sweetness liking is innate and decreases from childhood into adulthood. Low calorie sweeteners are added instead…

Posted: March 22, 2019

Science news from the ISA sessions at the 31st National Congress of the Mexican Diabetes Federation Highlights: Low calorie sweeteners are safe and people with…

Posted: February 8, 2019

Key remarks from two new review studies on low calorie sweeteners and gut microbiota Highlights: Current studies establish no evidence of adverse effect of low calorie…

Posted: January 11, 2019
Author(s): Vicky Pyrogianni, MSc, Dietitian – Nutritionist Scientific Director, International Sweeteners Association (ISA)

A critical appraisal of the BMJ paper by Toews et al that claimed no benefits or harms for low calorie sweeteners Highlights: Health benefits of…

Posted: December 13, 2018

Highlights: Consumers of low calorie sweeteners have higher diet quality and lower sugar intake, new data from Australia, Brazil, the UK and the US show…

Posted: November 9, 2018
Author(s): Vicky Pyrogianni, MSc, Dietitian – Nutritionist, Scientific Director, ISA

What new came out of the ISA Conference in 2018 Key remarks: Consumers use low calorie sweetened products to control food cravings and to reduce…

Posted: November 8, 2018
Author(s): Vicky Pyrogianni, MSc, Dietitian – Nutritionist, Scientific Director, ISA

Take-home scientific outcomes for health-care professionals from the ISA Conference in 2018 Key speakers’ remarks: Low calorie sweeteners can be part of the toolbox along…

Posted: October 3, 2018

Science news from the EFAD Conference 2018 Highlights: Human preference for sweet taste is innate and universal. Liking for sweetness is intense during childhood and…

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