
The Media Centre is a go-to-source section for media but also for everyone interested in getting the latest news, press releases and statements about new studies, scientific congresses and events, campaigns and other ISA activities.

Posted: January 3, 2019

ISA statement in response to the systematic review by Toews et al. An overwhelming body of robust scientific evidence demonstrates that low calorie sweeteners can…

Posted: November 9, 2018
diabetes concerns every family

It’s a family thing!’ – ISA’s online activities on World Diabetes Day to promote the role that family can have in diabetes prevention, management and…

Posted: November 6, 2018

New scientific studies presented at the International Sweeteners Association’s (ISA) Conference support current evidence that low calorie sweeteners can aid in sugar reduction, cravings management…

Posted: October 3, 2018

ISA response to study findings presented at 54th EASD annual meeting by Young et al. Following a presentation of preliminary results from an ongoing, not yet…

Posted: October 3, 2018

ISA statement in response to study by Romo-Romo et al. Low calorie sweeteners have no effect on glucose control and metabolism as demonstrated by collective…

Posted: October 2, 2018

ISA response to study by Harpaz et al. In response to claims in the recent publication by Harpaz et al1, the International Sweeteners Association (ISA) would…

Posted: August 29, 2018

ISA statement in response to study by Bornemann et al. Responding to the allegations made by Bornemann et al. in a study published recently1, which…

Posted: May 17, 2018
european obesity day 2018

The ISA joins forces with the associations of obese patients in France (CNAO) and Portugal (Adexo) in supporting European Obesity Day 2018 Brussels, 17th May…

Posted: April 25, 2018

ISA statement in response to study by Hoffmann et al. presented at the congress of Experimental Biology 2018 The study by Hoffmann et al.1, examining…

Posted: March 20, 2018
world oral health day

The International Sweeteners Association (ISA) supports World Oral Health Day (WOHD) on 20th March Brussels, 20th March 2018: Committed to helping raise awareness on the importance…

Posted: March 19, 2018

ISA statement in response to a Press Release by The Endocrine Society The collective body of evidence supporting low calorie sweeteners’ benefits in weight control…

Posted: March 5, 2018

ISA comments in response to study by Rother et al. Contrary to the claims made by Rother et al. in their recent study1, the International Sweeteners…

Posted: December 13, 2017
journées francophones de nutrition

Science news from the French Nutrition Day 2017 In times when obesity and related diseases such as diabetes constitute major health concerns, new nutrition-related scientific…

Posted: November 8, 2017
women and diabetes

‘Do it for You’ – ISA’s online activities on World Diabetes Day aim to encourage women to prioritise diabetes management. Brussels, 14 November 2017: Recognising the…

Posted: October 11, 2017
world obesity day 2017

Brussels, 11 October 2017 –The International Sweeteners Association (ISA) proudly supports the World Obesity Federation in its mission to lead and drive global efforts to reduce, prevent and…

Posted: September 30, 2017

Science news presented by experts in dietetics and diabetes at the 10th EFAD Conference Rotterdam, 30 September 2017 – With the increasing rate of diabetes globally…

Posted: September 14, 2017

Study findings presented at EASD annual meeting by Young et al. are not supported by a number of earlier studies by the same research group…

Posted: September 13, 2017

ISA comments in response to a review paper by Sylvetsky et al Having reviewed the publication by Sylvetsky et al.1 about the potential implications for low…

Posted: July 17, 2017

ISA statement in response to Azad et al study The conclusions of a new systematic review by Azad et al.1 that low calorie sweeteners might be…

Posted: June 7, 2017

ISA statement in response to Zhu et al., NIH study Low calorie sweeteners can be consumed by pregnant women, with or without gestational diabetes, to…

Posted: May 19, 2017
ISA supported symposium

Science news from the 24th European Congress on Obesity in Porto Porto, 19th May 2017 – Latest study findings on the long-debated topic of low calorie…

Posted: May 18, 2017
european obesity day 2017

The ISA supports European Obesity Day 2017 in collaboration with CNAO Being a complex and multi-factorial problem, obesity can only be managed if multiple stakeholders…

Posted: May 8, 2017

Brussels, 8 May 2017 – The International Sweeteners Association (ISA) welcomes the publication of the scientific opinion of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)1, which reconfirms sucralose…

Posted: April 21, 2017

ISA statement in response to Pase et al. observational study and AHA Press Release Brussels, 21st April 2017: Having reviewed this paper by Pase et…

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